802.11 b/g/n wireless LAN
1GHz, single-core CPU
Micro USB power
installed JumboSPOT UHF(430-440)+VHF(144-146)
(VHF is not the main band, performance reduction)RF extend board.
8G TF CARD Installed PI-STAR panel
support DMR,YSF,P25 mode to QSO with RF To internet
OLED Display
Default installed pi-star to TF card, wifi TEST SSID is TZB,pass is 13902982913,you can change your router 's default SSID and pass it will auto connect.
pass is raspberry,then login to SET your CALLSIN,ID,FREQ,and Modem,like the picture:
Display Type is :OLED then Apply Changes.
also your DMR radio must input the Talk Group and Freq ,then you can talk now.

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